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Esprit Pirate
Esprit Pirate
Game Master
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Date du message : Mar 31 Oct - 19:52
À venir À venir
Prénom : À venir
Nom : À venir
Âge : À venir
Camp : Neutre
Groupe : Pirate
Métier : À venir
Surnom : À venir

Description physique
À venir

Description psycologique
À venir

À venir

Informations sur le joueur
Prénom : À venir
Âge : À venir
Avatar : À venir
Comment j'ai connu le forum : À venir
Mon avis sur le forum : À venir
Admin - Pirate
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Date du message : Mar 5 Déc - 22:07

Pas pire portraits :

Pas pires portraits du tout, changements très mineurs :

Créer de nouveaux NPC :

Créer des portraits :

Les supers portraits (haute définition non obligatoire) :

Gros frigo :

Meilleur Quarry

New things for Harvey. Je m'en fiche un peu, mais il y aurait de nouveaux events, alors à étudier... :

To have baby rabbits. It's hilarous :

Communauté... À développer pour la jalousie :

Les chambres ♥️ :
La chambre de Shane :

Ajouter des objets aux magasins :

Pour vérifier les relations :

Yandere Vas. Intéressant pour les événements je suppose :

Children like parents *o* :

Marry anyone :

Cheat :

Cheat items :
Admin - Pirate
Pièces d'Or (PO) : 0
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Présentation de À venir À venir Empty
Date du message : Jeu 1 Fév - 22:25
12358/f Krokus 500: "stringmachinchose/stringautretruc" #!string

12358 est l'id de l'event

Conditions :
/f Krobus 250 = 1 coeur avec Krobus
/f Krobus 500 = 2 coeurs avec Krobus
/z spring = printemps uniquement
/z spring summer fall = toutes les saisons sauf hiver
/d Tue = Mardi seulement. Peut être utilisé pour n'importe quel jour de semaine
/j 20 = se déroule seulement le 10e jour de la saison
/y 5 = Seulement dans l'année 5
/w sunny = soleil uniquement. "windy" "rainy" ou "snowy" aussi possible.
/e 123 = event 123 doit être fait au préalable
/t 1000 16000 = Entre 10h et 16h
/n machinLetter = après avoir lu la lettre "machinLetter". Lettre peut être ajoutée dans Content/Data/mail.xnb
/p Maru = Maru doit être dans la location
/k 456 = Détruit l'event 456 (surtout utilisé si on veut plusieurs choix d'event)
/m 5000 = seulement si on a 5000g ou plus
/h cat = seulement on a un chat
/h dog = seulement si on a un chien

Script :
music/position/positions des caractères/skippable

music = music
/position = x y (horizontal, vertical du point milieu de la loctiton choisie) = vision de la caméra
/positions des caractères = nom x y d (nom, horizontal, vertical direction (0 dos, 1 droite, 2 face, 3 gauche)) = position et direction du character
/skippable : Option de skipper l'animation

Autre Scripta :

/viewport x y true = Changer la position de la caméra
/pause 500 = Pause l'event de 5 milisecondes (500 = une demie-seconde. 1500 = une seconde et demie)
/move farmer 0 1 2 (Bouge le perso de 0 tiles à droite, 1 tiles vers le haut et 2 est la direction à la fin). On ne peut pas aller en diagonal.
/emote Krobus 2 = Fait apparaître l'emote avec la bulle en haut de la tête. Les émotes sont dans le Content\TilesSheets\
/warp Krobus 10 9 = Téléporte Krobus à la position 10 9. On peut mettre les bonhommes hors de la map avec -30 -30 au début ou pendant pour les mettre là, mais disparus
/faceDirection Krobus 2 = Changer de direction pour le sprite
/showFrame Krobus = spécific sprite pour un personnage
/speed farmer 4 = Augmente la vitesse pour le prochain mouvement seulement. 3 est normal, 4 et courir, etc.
/shake Krobus 1000 = Faut shake le perso pour 1 seconde (1000 milisecondes)
/jump Krobus = Faut sauter le personnage, parfait pour une surprise
/textAboveHead Krobus \"Blabla\" = Crée un texte avec bulle au dessus de la tête
/addQuest 54 = Ajoute la quête 54 dans notre liste de quêtes
/message \"Bla bla bla\" = Message sans que cela soit quelqu'un. Genre "Il fait noir"
/animate Lewis false false 200 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 = Anime Lewis 0.2 sec avec sprite 24, 0.2 sec avec sprite 25 et 0.2 sec avec sprite 26. true true le faut en boucle et false false juste une fois.
/stopAnimation Lewis = Arrête l'animation
/mail machinLetter = Fait appraître la lettre machinLetter le prochain jour
/frienship Krobus 250 = Augmente l'amitié de 250 points (1 coeur)
/playMusic machin = Joue la musique Machin
/positionOffset farmer 10 0 (x y en pixels) = bouge le farmer de quelques pixels par rapport au centre de la tuile. Utile pour les bisous je suppose.

/changeLocation Beach = Change à une autre location (important de changer le warp just après aussi)

/question fork1 \"Ma question bla bla bla#Réponse#Réponse\"/fork nomevent = Question, puis on passe à l'event "nomevent" si la personne a choisi l'option 2. Pour option 1, il faut faire /question fork0

/speak Krobus \"Bla bla @ bla\" = Parler. (@ = nom du farmer) ($h = happy, $s = sad, $a = angry, $0 = première image, $1 = deuxième image, rien = portrait par default) ($#b# = nouvelle box)

/globalFade/viewport -1000 -1000 = Fait passer au noir. Si on ne déplace pas la caméra, c'est encore visible apparement...
/end warpout" #!String = fin et téléporte le player à l'antrée de la map
/end dialogue Krobus \"Bla bla bla\" #!String = Krobus va dire ce dialogue la proahine fois qu'on lui parle
/end position 7 9" #!String = Fin et bonhomme téléporte à la position 7 9.
/end" #!String = Fin

Pour créer un event "mail" pour envoyer une lettre le matin par exemple :
On va dans Open Content\Data\mail.yaml et on crée la lettre.

Dans les events de la farm, on crée :
1351561f/f Krobus 500/x nomLettre: "null" #!String

Admin - Pirate
Pièces d'Or (PO) : 0
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Présentation de À venir À venir Empty
Date du message : Lun 5 Fév - 1:39
Introduction: "Greetings, young @. I had foreseen your arrival.#$b#It will be a pleasure getting to know you. There are many adventures ahead for you and I." #!String

spring_1: "The energies have begun again. Spring is here, and the year is reborn.#$b#Many well wishes to you, @. I see a good year ahead.#$e#A very good year, indeed." #!String

spring_Mon: "The red berry with many faces commands attention. Its lovers are many, yet it can only be enjoyed once.#$b#It is associated with love, yet can harbor betrayal. Beware of its powers.#$b#Such is the mystery.#$e#Have a day to remember, @." #!String

spring_Tue: "The blue flower, it's blossom brings force profits. But where to place it? Its many shades have no meaning.#$b#A flower unloved but well liked has no true purpose. It sings the blues, indeed.#$e#Embrace the mysteries of the day, @." #!String

spring_Wed: "Have you seen it? The green plant? It grows and grows but is not a weed.#$b#It cannot be eaten raw by normal people, and must suffer fire to become delicious.#$b#Yet, its value is high, and is very healthy. A mysterious crop indeed.#$e#Have a good day, @. Learn something new." #!String

spring_Thu: "The brown tuber, growing beneath the earth, it's powers locked away. One must know the right way to unlock its true potential.#$b#It has saved nations and yet crushed them. Such is it's temperament.#$e#Seek the energies, @. Enjoy the day." #!String

spring_Fri: "Nothing can stop it from growing until the energies of spring leave. It will continue to grow all season long.#$b#Its powers are many, yet alone it is worthless. Such is its lot in life.#$e#Focus your mind today, @, and be at peace." #!String

spring_Sat: "Beware of the wilds during Spring, for the nature itself is cursed. To make a fast enemy, offer them vegetables from the untamed earth.#$b#It is only your farm that can cleanse the curse.#$e#Seek knowledge, seek answers. Have a good one." #!String

spring_Sun: "Not all flowers are loved. Where some see a rose, others see only thorns.#$b#Be careful who you enchant with flowers found freely.#$e#Be enchanted, @. Be at peace." #!String

spring_Mon2: "Spring is a time of renewed energy. The powers are not at their full strength yet, and everything is still returning to life.#$b#It is a time to set a focus, for the rest of the year is decided by the Spring.#$e#Have a day to remember, @." #!String

spring_Tue2: "To some, the powers at my disposal must be perplexing. Yet, I am not the only one who can use such energies.#$b#Anyone with the will to believe and follow their path can tap a source of energy far greater than seen here, but most do not wish to see it.#$e#Embrace the mysteries of the day, @." #!String

spring_Wed2: "Someday I hope to record all my findings into a book, bound with leaves of the Eternity Tree. Then all will be saved forever.#$b#Until then, I could lose it all, and what a terrible fate that would be.#$e#Have a good day, @. Learn something new." #!String

spring_Thu2: "I've learned many things about the powers spring, yet I do not understand all of it.#$b#The mysteries are always changing. To truly know would mean an end to innocence.#$e#Seek the energies, @. Enjoy the day." #!String

spring_Fri2: "Where does the energy come from? Where does it go? I have studied long, and have read many theories, but nothing is concrete.#$b#Like a butterfly, once caught, the answers live only for a short while.#$e#Focus your mind today, @, and be at peace." #!String

spring_Sat2: "If I were to write a book, only those who had the will and a yearning for knowledge would be able to read it.#$b#It is unfortunate, but that is the nature of the powers.#$e#Seek knowledge, seek answers. Have a good one." #!String

spring_Sun2: "Are there others like me? I've often wondered. Someday I will know for sure.#$b#It is a secret to everybody.#$e#Be enchanted, @. Be at peace." #!String

spring_Mon4: "You are now able to use the Shrine of Illusion down below. Use it wisely.#$b#Its power is great, for good and for evil.#$e#Have a day to remember, @." #!String

spring_Tue4: "I got the Shrine of Illusion from a man who wanted it gone. He reached out to me, begging me to take it.#$b#Getting it here was difficult, but he was glad to be rid of it. It had taken more than just his face.#$e#Embrace the mysteries of the day, @." #!String

spring_Wed4: "The Shrine of Illusion allows one to change their appearance on the outside, but not the inside.#$b#An evil being who uses the shrine cannot free itself from what it has done, you see.#$e#Have a good day, @. Learn something new." #!String
spring_Thu4: "Should the Shrine of Illusion ever again fall into the hands of evil, I will have to get it back. It is my duty now.#$b#It is a terrible artifact from a forgotten age, and I am its keeper.#$e#Seek the energies, @. Enjoy the day." #!String

spring_Fri4: "I have never used the Shrine of Illusion, but I do not fault those that do. It is important to project who you truly are.#$b#If you do not, what you are will eat itself out from the inside, and that is not pleasant.#$e#Focus your mind today, @, and be at peace." #!String

spring_Sat4: "Once, an animal went into the depths of my tower and used the Shrine of Illusion. It transformed into what it truly wanted to be seen as.#$b#Out walked a being of nightmare, and I had to find a place for it to thrive. It was difficult to do, but I succeeded.#$b#That dog-turned-nightmare? Mayor Lewis.$1#$b#I'm kidding. My joke powers wane.#$e#Seek knowledge, seek answers. Have a good one." #!String

spring_Sun4: "The Shrine of Illusion needs gold to function, an offering before its powers activate.#$b#Such is it's power." #!String

spring_Mon6: "I met my ex-wife in better times. She was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen, and we were quickly smitten with one another.#$b#Funny how time changes. The true mystery is why it happens so fast.#$e#Have a day to remember, @." #!String

spring_Tue6: "It's hard to remember the old days with my ex-wife. We were happy, very happy.#$b#Things just fell apart. In the end, we broke up, and it wasn't pretty.#$b#Many people still remember her flying around, cursing all she saw. I still feel responsible.#$e#Embrace the mysteries of the day, @." #!String

spring_Wed6: "We had similar interests, my ex-wife and I. We would spend hours in each other's arms, reading forbidden books.#$b#In the end, what we couldn't decide on was how to live. We were very different people.#$b#If only things could have been different.#$e#Have a good day, @. Learn something new." #!String

spring_Thu6: "My ex-wife still lives nearby, and appears like a green witch of legend. However, it's just an illusion.#$b#I still see her for as she truly is. It breaks my heart.#$e#Seek the energies, @. Enjoy the day." #!String

spring_Fri6: "All the powers in the universe are not enough to fix a broken heart. It can be mended, but once shattered, shall it remain.#$b#Someday I will find a way to fix my own, but even that may take centuries.#$b#Sorry to bore you with this old man's woes.#$e#Focus your mind today, @, and be at peace." #!String

spring_Sat6: "I did some things that I regret when I was married. I let things lapse, I avoided responsibility, and it cost me.#$b#If you become committed to any cause, big or small, do not run from it. It would have been better if you hadn't got involved.#$e#Seek knowledge, seek answers. Have a good one." #!String

spring_Sun6: "Joy is a mysterious power. Fragile in its most pure state, when it does appear it can resonate through the ages.#$b#Yet, that same joy can become corrupted over time. It must be protected, at all cost.#$e#Be enchanted, @. Be at peace." #!String

spring_Mon8: "@. Have you traveled? I yearn to return to the days of my youth, so very long ago.#$b#I was young and full of passion. I learned many things that I still remember strongly.#$b#Youth is fleeting, hold onto it while you can.#$e#Have a day to remember, @." #!String

spring_Tue8: "I've traveled all over, looking for secrets of the energies. I've had grand adventures, and suffered terrible tragedies.#$b#When you have a drive and a passion, that is an energy that cannot be destroyed.#$e#Embrace the mysteries of the day, @." #!String

spring_Wed8: "I will tell you of one place that I have been to. While lost in a forest, I found a cabin and took shelter in it.#$b#It was larger than it appeared on the inside, and it seemed to go on for miles.#$b#At the end, I found a bed, and in it, a child. Its eyes were open, and it rose to stare at me.#$b#It pointed at me, and I awoke in my bed at the inn. Very strange, and I still wonder about it.#$e#Have a good day, @. Learn something new." #!String

spring_Thu8: "Walking the libraries of the world, even if you cannot understand the language, is an inspiring feeling. The energy one gains by being near books is great.#$b#I used to spend hours in them, absorbing it all. Many are now gone, and it is a shame.#$e#Seek the energies, @. Enjoy the day." #!String

spring_Fri8: "Where I come from the libraries would be brimming with life. Every page a portal, recorded down by scribes long past.#$b#Some were full of secrets no one should know, and I took to them immediately. I regret it still.#$e#Focus your mind today, @, and be at peace." #!String

spring_Sat8: "The world I once knew is long gone. I hold onto fragments of it, but I am old. Someday, it will all be forgotten.#$b#I'd like to tell you about it, @, but no energy in the universe would allow me to discuss it. As is the way.#$e#Seek knowledge, seek answers. Have a good one." #!String

spring_Sun8: "I wish I could go back to the days of my youth for one more day. Go into the shop I always put off, talk to the librarians, learn even more.#$b#Those days are long gone, and all I have left of them is a shadow. Such is life.#$e#Be enchanted, @. Be at peace." #!String

spring_Mon10: "Despite the focus I have on my studies, I have always wanted to be a father. It is a shame that it isn't so easy for people like me.#$b#However, there is one in the village that I suspect may indeed be my child. It is hard to know for sure.#$e#Someday I'll get the courage to talk to them and confirm it." #!String

spring_Tue10: "I am glad to see you, @. I had predicted we would become friends, but I didn't see how much I would come to enjoy your company.#$b#There are many mysteries in this world, and I am glad you chose me as one of yours.#$e#I count myself to be very lucky indeed." #!String

spring_Wed10: "Many people are scared of me. The unknown causes them to tremble, and my association with it frightens them.#$b#You have continued to show you don't mind the mysterious. You embrace it, and take time out of your day to see me.#$b#Thank you, @. I thought I would be alone forever.#$e#You are truly a special person, indeed." #!String

spring_Thu10: "The energies, at their core, are chaotic. Ever changing, they are denser than air yet more elusive than wind.#$b#In the end, many people believed it was not worth trying to solve the mystery, yet here I remain.#$e#Someday, @, I will truly understand." #!String

spring_Fri10: "I feel renewed this year, not just because spring is the time for it, but because of my friendship with you, @.#$b#You have reminded me that I am still human. To focus on being human is a mystery itself that I almost forgot about.#$e#Thank you, @." #!String

spring_Sat10: "The air is electric, I feel this year will be a special one. Let us do our best to achieve our dreams, @.#$e#Do not give up. I will be cheering for you." #!String

spring_Sun10: "The greatest energies are the ones we allow ourselves to find. Everything else is false.#$b#Be true to what moves you, and you will be energized the rest of your life.#$e#That is my hope for you, @. Live forever!" #!String

summer_1: "Summer has come at last. The energies are at their most powerful. I'll get a lot of work done this season.#$b#Stay cool, @, and do not let the sun curse you.#$e#Maybe I'll go swimming this time..." #!String

summer_Mon: "The many eared crop, its leaves capture the sun's energy itself, painting it all over.#$b#Amazing in its uses, it's true desire is to feed people. An inspiring crop indeed.#$e#Have a day to remember, @." #!String

summer_Tue: "The bush with eyes of blue, it can see many things. Its power is in healing, and as such, is quite potent indeed.#$b#People crave them, but they are hard to find most of the year, and only good fresh. A crop whose quality is fleeting, very mysterious.#$e#Embrace the mysteries of the day, @." #!String

summer_Wed: "Melon of the Earth, Melon of the Sky, Melon of the People, Melon of the Eye.#$b#Melon of the Mother, Melon of the Father, Melon of the Son, Melon of the Daughter#$b#That concludes my shopping list.$1#$e##$e#Have a good day, @. Learn something new." #!String

summer_Thu: "It is now that the crops that can make energy are born, and it is up to people like yourself to harness it.#$b#There are two crops available, and one has its seeds. To utilize them is pure alchemy.#$e#Seek the energies, @. Enjoy the day." #!String

summer_Fri: "A powerful plant, it can induce dreams in those who drink it. Its powers many, its flavors are endless.#$b#Yet, it has brought ruin to civilizations, and is no friend of men or women. What is its true purpose?#$e#Focus your mind today, @, and be at peace." #!String

summer_Sat: "The energy of the sun is too much for some, and the only solution is to stay indoors. I hide within my tower for this purpose.#$b#Yet, the energies are so powerful during time of year that I do not even need sleep. Isn't it wondrous?#$e#Seek knowledge, seek answers. Have a good one." #!String

summer_Sun: "The red crop, vegetable to some and fruit to others, has no keeper. It is delicious raw, cooked, or squeezed.#$b#Many people like it, and some can't live without it. No home should lack it's prescence.#$e#Be enchanted, @. Be at peace." #!String

summer_Mon2: "Long ago, there was a language that allowed people to converse with the spirits of the sun. They held many festivals during summer.#$b#That culture is long gone, and the language of the sun lost to time. If only I could find a way...#$e#Have a day to remember, @." #!String

summer_Tue2: "The energy during summer allows for easier methods of the mysterious. It is very addicting trying out new theories after two seasons of wondering.#$b#Can you feel the energies? Do not worry if you cannot.#$e#Embrace the mysteries of the day, @." #!String

summer_Wed2: "It was said that only the most powerful could learn and write the Sun Language, for it could burn those who wrote it.#$b#It is rumored that there was a rival tribe that wrote in a special moon rune, but there has been no proof of such a language ever existing.#$e#Have a good day, @. Learn something new." #!String

summer_Thu2: "One of my experiments went well today. I was able to glance at the future for a moment.#$b#All the voices, all of the emotions. It is going to be interesting.#$e#Seek the energies, @. Enjoy the day." #!String

summer_Fri2: "I am very fortunate to have found just one letter of the Sun Language, which I keep hidden away. It burns crimson, constantly and forever.#$b#It is the letter for 'hope.' Strange, isn't it? Someday I might be able to show you, but not now.#$e#Focus your mind today, @, and be at peace." #!String

summer_Sat2: "Tomorrow I will be focusing my energy, and doing an experiment that could go very well, or very badly. If you see me, I will be in a trance.#$b#If it works, then you'll wake up and everything will be fine. If it doesn't, well, I did try.#$e#Seek knowledge, seek answers. Have a good one." #!String

summer_Sun2: "Hakata Monno ba, hakata bal bala. Shamlao 'tswal, catakan grana.#$e#Must...focus...must not...give in..." #!String

summer_Mon4: "If you've yet to use the Shrine of Illusion, then I must tell you to be cautious. Its history is vast, and much of it, bloody.#$b#Use it with wisdom and all shall be fine.#$e#Have a day to remember, @." #!String

summer_Tue4: "The previous owner of the Shrine of Illusion was a vain man, trying to find the perfect look for himself. He was wealthy, and won the shrine in a contest.#$b#He invested all his wealth into it, trying to find the perfect look, but he was never happy.#$b#He was trying to fix what was on the outside and not the inside, and it consumed him. Strange, isn't it?#$e#Embrace the mysteries of the day, @." #!String

summer_Wed4: "I found a warning in an old book regarding the Shrine of Illusion. It went as follows:#$b#'Only those who wish to find their true self are permitted to use the Shrine. Those who wish to change their appearance to trick others shall be cursed.'#$b#I've spent a long time trying to find what the curse is, but only have theories.#$e#Have a good day, @. Learn something new." #!String

summer_Thu4: "My guesses for the Curse of the Shrine of Illusion are that if you use it for your own gain, and not to reveal your true self, your time on this mortal plane is cut short.#$b#Many have tried to use it as such, and all were destroyed. But this is just a theory of mine, nothing concrete about it.#$e#Seek the energies, @. Enjoy the day." #!String

summer_Fri4: "It is curious to me why the Shrine demands gold for its use. If it was a construct of good, it shouldn't matter.#$b#Yet, it will not work without a gold offering. Such a curious thing.#$e#Focus your mind today, @, and be at peace." #!String

summer_Sat4: "There is no proof of any kind that the Shrine of Illusion is more powerful during summer or not. All other sorts of mysterious objects are, but it appears indifferent.#$e#Seek knowledge, seek answers. Have a good one." #!String

summer_Sun4: "I believe you to be a good person, @, so the Shrine should be kind to you. If I misjudged you, then...#$b#You might still be fine. I'll have to see.#$e#Be enchanted, @. Be at peace." #!String

summer_Mon6: "My ex-wife was my companion. We did many things together, and during summer, when the energies are so potent, it was truly wonderful.#$b#Now, I am alone in this tower. It is not the same, and probably will never be again.#$e#Have a day to remember, @." #!String

summer_Tue6: "I have the ability to create an image of any being and converse with it. However, they bore me, and I bore them.#$b#They claim I need to get over my ex-wife, but it's easier said than done.#$e#Embrace the mysteries of the day, @." #!String

summer_Wed6: "To be lucky in love is a special sort of energy that not all beings possess. It strikes randomly, and only once.#$b#I have been hoping for another chance for many years, but to no avail.#$e#Have a good day, @. Learn something new." #!String

summer_Thu6: "I once conjured a being that was a talking cat. It would go on and on about facts from around the world, but it was only things I knew.#$b#I couldn't bring myself to send it away, so I gave it to a friend. I wonder where it is now.#$e#Seek the energies, @. Enjoy the day." #!String

summer_Fri6: "The summer full moon is a special one for me. I proposed to my ex-wife underneath it's power.#$b#It was...enchanting.#$b#That was a very long time ago.#$e#Focus your mind today, @, and be at peace." #!String

summer_Sat6: "It is a danger power to wonder about how things could have been. It is impossible to know, but it can be a destructive force.#$b#It's better to always to what you feel is right so you have no regrets. Doing what you feel is wrong, but doing it anyway, is madness.#$e#Seek knowledge, seek answers. Have a good one." #!String

summer_Sun6: "The days are long, @. I am in a slump, but I can feel a time when I will soon rise above it.#$b#I let the powers of the past take over me, and I tell you this, I will break free of them.#$e#Be enchanted, @. Be at peace." #!String

summer_Mon8: "One of things I did when I was younger was hunt and fight evil beings and creatures. I've encountered them all.#$b#There are beings in is world who still fight wars, the point of which long forgotten, replaced only with hatred of the enemy.#$b#It is a tiring life, and I got out of it.#$e#Have a day to remember, @." #!String

summer_Tue8: "The problem with monsters is that most of the time they do not know why they do what they are doing.#$b#Some are created, or others are enchanted in some terrible way. Have you seen any carry an object called a 'Strange Bun?'#$b#Beware the Strange Bun, @.#$e#Embrace the mysteries of the day, @." #!String

summer_Wed8: "There was a war, fought long ago, that almost swallowed the entire world. Unknown to humans, it was fought below the earth.#$b#In the end, neither side won, and the warriors are forgotten. Such is the price they paid for their stupidity.#$e#Have a good day, @. Learn something new." #!String

summer_Thu8: "In youth, my powers were attuned for fighting, and I could hold my own. It was a heart-pounding time.#$b#Unfortunately, it cost me some years of my life. I have little to show for it other than the scars.#$e#Seek the energies, @. Enjoy the day." #!String

summer_Fri8: "The mines go deeper than you might imagine, and there are secrets locked away that will probably never be found.#$b#It is my hope that all the horrible things that happened down there stay there, and sometimes I must interfere.#$e#Focus your mind today, @, and be at peace." #!String

summer_Sat8: "Anger and hatred, they are false energies. They hide the real sources of power, which is understanding and sadness.#$b#It has become cliche, but it's true. I have learned so much, and it still holds true. Find peace before you rip yourself to pieces.#$e#Seek knowledge, seek answers. Have a good one." #!String

summer_Sun8: "Someday things will be at peace with the beings in the mines, but anytime soon. Probably not until the world is but a husk, and humans are long gone.#$b#That is how deep their hatred burns. It is a tragedy of the ages.#$e#Be enchanted, @. Be at peace." #!String

summer_Mon10: "Sometimes I wonder if I'm missing out on life. I have access to secrets that would astounding your average person, and yet, I am lonely.#$b#Would it have been better to just have a normal job, and have a family? Would I have been happier?#$e#It is not mine to know. Be well, @." #!String

summer_Tue10: "Ignorance is bliss. You've heard that saying before, I'm sure, but it's true. To know too much, it can turn one bitter.#$b#I still find hope in my studies, but some days, I just sit. Thank you for coming out to see me, @.#$e#You are what holds me to this reality." #!String

summer_Wed10: "The focus on my life has always been on my studies now. Everything else fell away.#$b#Becoming friends with you, though, has made me realize that maybe I should not be so obsessed.#$b#There's more to life than reading the books about the lives of the dead.#$b#Maybe I'll find a girlfriend!$1#$e#I hope." #!String

summer_Thu10: "Using the energies comes at a cost. It's not free. To discuss all the different aspects would take ages.#$b#I'll tell you this though, @. My hair was not originally purple.#$e#That was a long time ago..." #!String

summer_Fri10: "Thank you for spending time with me, @. I was hoping you would come by today.#$b#It's nice to take a break from my experiments and talk with you. How is your farm?#$e#It is my hope you are successful in all your doings." #!String

summer_Sat10: "One can get so caught up in work that life just falls away. Others retreat to their work because they cannot handle their life.#$b#I'm realizing lately that I've done a lot of things that I wasn't happy with. Forced myself to do what was wrong for what I thought was right.#$b#I hope to someday get forgiveness, @.#$e#Someday." #!String

summer_Sun10: "There is a special energy in the air today. I can feel it, can you?#$b#It is the energy of our friendship! It is energizing. It makes me feel young again.$1#$e#Is that weird? I don't get out much, @." #!String

fall_1: "Can you feel the changes in the air? I don't just mean in the temperature. The trees, they are giving off a unique energy.#$e#May this fall be an enchanted one." #!String

fall_Mon: "They who live in the shadows are lost, for their world has moved beyond them. Pity those who have consumed the dark pastry.#$e#Have a day to remember, @." #!String

fall_Tue: "The creatures who slide on the earth, what is their purpose? Where do they come from?#$b#They are known across the ages and cultures but a source for their being has never been found.#$e#Embrace the mysteries of the day, @." #!String

fall_Wed: "Have you seen them? The golems that search for their long-dead creators.#$b#They will wander the mines forever, alone, until they run out of energy.#$e#Have a good day, @. Learn something new." #!String

fall_Thu: "Normal creature or monster? It's hard to tell of the bats that fly in the caves.#$b#Their energy fluctuates with the moon, and they crave the lifeblood of any they can. Beware their haunting gaze.#$e#Seek the energies, @. Enjoy the day." #!String

fall_Fri: "There are creatures who have adapted to look like stone itself in the mines. It it is not through magical means that they did so, rather through sheer will-power.#$b#Sometimes the only energy you need comes from within.#$e#Focus your mind today, @, and be at peace." #!String

fall_Sat: "There are spirits, deep in the mines, who have wandered for eternity. Some of the first souls are still trapped in there.#$b#They don't even resemble humans anymore, so twisted has their ethereal image become. Such a tragedy.#$e#Seek knowledge, seek answers. Have a good one." #!String

fall_Sun: "The mines were once a vast world that was compacted as a result of an ancient war.#$b#Going through the layers is to pass through time itself. Be wary, for it is an unforgiving place.#$b#Those creatures have lost more than their minds.#$e#Be enchanted, @. Be at peace." #!String

fall_Mon2: "This season is special, for the power to be able to change is heightened. Be it your life, your thinking, or your surroundings, the powers of fall make it possible.#$b#Choose wisely, however, for not all change is positive.#$e#Have a day to remember, @." #!String

fall_Tue2: "Focus on what matters, and all should work out, unless it doesn't. There are no guarantees in life.#$b#In my studies, I have found this to be true, and it is unfortunate. Nothing is guaranteed to always work.#$e#Embrace the mysteries of the day, @." #!String

fall_Wed2: "As the trees enter their slumber, they let loose their leaves and their energy. It is this energy that is useful to me.#$b#Once winter comes, all the energies wane. Fall is the finale.#$e#Have a good day, @. Learn something new." #!String

fall_Thu2: "When all seems lost, it is important to remember that things can still change. For better, or for worse.#$b#It is important not to give up, and to see it through to the end. Easier said than done, sometimes, but I've found it to be true.#$e#Seek the energies, @. Enjoy the day." #!String

fall_Fri2: "I once saw a person try to keep a tree alive all year long, using powerful energies to do so.#$b#It was horrible: the tree itself wept, and begged to be freed. I had to step in and save the tree.#$b#I still have some of its leaves it gave to me as a gift. They are special to me.#$e#Focus your mind today, @, and be at peace." #!String

fall_Sat2: "My powers have begun to lose their potency, as it always is in fall. I would take from the trees, but I refuse to do so.#$b#I plan on reading a lot this season. Who knows what I'll find?#$e#Seek knowledge, seek answers. Have a good one." #!String

fall_Sun2: "You must be having some success on your farm to make it this far, @. How fairs your crops?#$b#It is refreshing to see someone push through the difficulty and keep going. Your rewards are ahead of you.#$e#Be enchanted, @. Be at peace." #!String

fall_Mon4: "Long ago, the Shrine of Illusion was in the hands of a group of assassins. They used its powers to change their appearance and make hits.#$b#A very long time ago, indeed.#$e#Have a day to remember, @." #!String

fall_Tue4: "The assassins who used the Shrine of Illusion were almost unstoppable in their time. It took a group of people like myself to stop them.#$b#It was a troubling time. An artifact like that should never be used for such gains.#$e#Embrace the mysteries of the day, @." #!String

fall_Wed4: "With the Shrine of Illusion gone from the ranks of the assassins, their order crumbled. Many searched for it, to reclaim their honor, but alas.#$b#Such is the way of those who used it for evil. It never worked out for them.#$e#Have a good day, @. Learn something new." #!String

fall_Thu4: "The Shrine of Illusion was lost for a time, and there is no known record for where it went.#$b#Some like to believe it changed its own shape, and hid in the world somewhere, finding peace.#$e#Seek the energies, @. Enjoy the day." #!String

fall_Fri4: "I feel bad for the assassins who were stuck in the form they chose after losing access to the Shrine of Illusion.#$b#Their burden to bear, wearing a mask stitched onto their face forever. Chilling. Such is its power.#$e#Focus your mind today, @, and be at peace." #!String

fall_Sat4: "It is impossible to converse with the Shrine of Illusion, yet I feel a living presence within it. I know it can hear me, but yet it remains silent.#$b#It makes a poor companion. It really just wants gold, and to be left alone, so I do the best I can.#$e#Seek knowledge, seek answers. Have a good one." #!String

fall_Sun4: "The Shrine of Illusion has amazing powers, and I am honored to have it here in my tower.#$b#I think it feels safe, but it's hard to know with such artifacts.#$b#I would like to see someone try and break in here for it, though.$1#$e#Be enchanted, @. Be at peace." #!String

fall_Mon6: "Here is a warning, @. Be careful during fall, for it is a time of enchantment.#$b#The trees, as they go dormant, let loose their energies and their wishes. It can have some strange effects on people.#$e#Have a day to remember, @." #!String

fall_Tue6: "If you find yourself obsessed with something you've never been interested before, it can mean you have been enchanted.#$b#Not all enchantments are bad, of course. Some can be quite positive. It is very mysterious.#$e#Embrace the mysteries of the day, @." #!String

fall_Wed6: "My ex-wife was very strong during fall. Her energies were off the chart.#$b#I will admit, it made me jealous, and that didn't help things.#$b#Sometimes I wonder if it's her enchanting people during fall...#$e#Have a good day, @. Learn something new." #!String

fall_Thu6: "I need to focus on my experiments before the energies of fall are gone. Winter is a rough time.#$b#If I can make a breakthrough, I'll ride the excitement till spring.#$e#Seek the energies, @. Enjoy the day." #!String

fall_Fri6: "Many cultures around the world must be aware of the odd energies of fall. So many festivals about monsters are scattered throughout.#$b#It was my favorite time of year as a kid. Now, I must be on my guard.#$e#Focus your mind today, @, and be at peace." #!String

fall_Sat6: "This is the time of harvest, so how has your farm been? Have you been able to get any special crops?#$b#It is my hope that you do. Only through the hands of hard work can the true energy be found.#$e#Seek knowledge, seek answers. Have a good one." #!String

fall_Sun6: "The shadow brutes, have you seen them? Though many are monsters, there is one out there who isn't. Have you met him?#$b#I have known of it for a long time. I hope it remains friendly.#$e#Be enchanted, @. Be at peace." #!String

fall_Mon8: "Enchantments, energies, and experiments. Though their powers are great and can do many things, they can't solve all of life's problems.#$b#They cannot, for example, make someone fall in love with another and have it be an honest relationship. It never ends well.#$e#Have a day to remember, @." #!String

fall_Tue8: "When I was young, I found myself in a haunted house during a rainstorm and had to stay the night.#$b#I saw many things that night, but the one that sticks with me is the spirit of a child, wandering the halls all night long.#$b#It did not cry, it only looked for its parents. What's worse is, I thought I saw her parents fly around nearby her, but they couldn't see each other.#$e#Embrace the mysteries of the day, @." #!String

fall_Wed8: "I do not want to become a ghost. It is my hope that when my time comes, I will be able to transcend to some higher plane.#$b#I would be a terrible ghost, as well. I do not enjoy scaring people.#$e#Have a good day, @. Learn something new." #!String

fall_Thu8: "One of the oddities about my studies are the rules of certain things. For example, I can conjure familiars, obelisks, and more.#$b#Yet, there are no powers at my disposal that can open a sealed jar of pickles or peanut butter. I have searched long and far, yet the rule remains.#$e#Seek the energies, @. Enjoy the day." #!String

fall_Fri8: "I will be honest with you, @, I did not expect to last this long, and sometimes I wonder what I've done right.#$b#Many people who lead this life give in to temptation, or go too far. It amazes me that I have not.#$e#Focus your mind today, @, and be at peace." #!String

fall_Sat8: "There is an odd feeling during this time of year for me. Things are at peace, and yet, I am worried.#$b#Maybe I'm just getting paranoid. I need to get out more.#$e#Seek knowledge, seek answers. Have a good one." #!String

fall_Sun8: "There is a part of me that wishes I could become enchanted, to live life free from knowing the secrets and be at peace. Yet, that would be impossible.#$b#I've studied too much, and learned things I cannot unlearn. It is a benefit, and yet also, a burden.#$e#Be enchanted, @. Be at peace." #!String

fall_Mon10: "Studying and using the energies can make one very tired, @. All these years of it has brought me to the brink.#$b#Yet it is my curiosity that drives me. I don't have all the answers, and there are still questions I have.#$b#Despite that, my body yearns for eternal sleep.#$e#Many mysteries to be answered. Someday soon, @." #!String

fall_Tue10: "There have been times when I have had the chance to wield unlimited energy. Many would be tempted by such power.#$b#I am only human. I was lucky to reject them, for it would have destroyed me.#$b#All that glimmers is not always good, @.#$e#Who knows what I would have become? A scary thought." #!String

fall_Wed10: "Am I a better person than I was before all this? In all my searching, have I been able to find a way to become stronger?#$b#I have answers to many mysteries, but they haven't changed me. They are only answers. Have I done all I can?#$e#I have thought about these things for a long time. My own mystery." #!String

fall_Thu10: "It's been good to have you around, @. It is nice to be able to talk with someone about all the aspects of my work.#$b#Maybe you would want to be an apprentice? That is for another time and place, unfortunately.#$e#Maybe someday." #!String

fall_Fri10: "I have been focusing my energies lately to find the answer to this question: how come when I'm out and about I'm tired, but when I try to sleep, I cannot?#$b#It is a grand mystery, @. Someday I will solve it. First with sheep-counting.#$e#So many sheep..." #!String

fall_Sat10: "Your crops, how have they fair? It is my hope that they are doing well.#$b#You deserve greatness, @. It is my hope you find it, for I believe it is close at hand for you.#$e#If not, then, I have failed you." #!String

fall_Sun10: "It is difficult to remember what it is to have normal conversations. When conversing with the energies, one must speak a unique and complex language.#$b#To talk human is to ask how another is, and to do that with meaning is hard for me. Luckily, I can practice on you.#$e#What's up, dog? No? Is that not a saying?" #!String

winter_1: "It is a time for peace and study. The snow fall has made me weak, and I will rest.#$e#I hope this is a special winter for you, @." #!String

winter_Mon: "The snow is beautiful, isn't it? It has special properties that give it an enchanting aura.#$b#I enjoy watching it. It is very calming.#$e#Have a day to remember, @." #!String

winter_Tue: "During winter, as my power is at its weakest, I enjoy reading books in my collection.#$b#I have so many interesting books, that I wonder if I'll ever get the chance to read them all.#$e#Embrace the mysteries of the day, @." #!String

winter_Wed: "I've just finished a book recently about the many types of monsters. I had forgotten a few from ages past.#$b#Terrible beasts that would roam the world during winter when they knew they couldn't be stopped. I'm glad they are gone.#$e#Have a good day, @. Learn something new." #!String

winter_Thu: "The ice is a friend and a foe, isn't it? Friend when you have a hot beverage, foe when you want to plant crops.#$b#Some of my friends specialize in studying ice in all forms, and their studies are double-edged indeed.#$e#Seek the energies, @. Enjoy the day." #!String

winter_Fri: "There are still some books left in this world that can impart special abilities on those who read them.#$b#Some can teach the reader entire languages if they have all four copies. Imagine that.#$e#Focus your mind today, @, and be at peace." #!String

winter_Sat: "It is now time to meditate till the spring, when the energies of the region return. To do any of my experiments now would be a mistake.#$b#Luckily, I have many things to read and think about, so not all is lost.#$e#Seek knowledge, seek answers. Have a good one." #!String

winter_Sun: "Much is still unknown amongst my colleagues about winter. As our energies are at their weakest, it makes it difficult to study.#$b#Someday we may be able to reverse the process and hold onto our energies, but until then, it's books for me.#$e#Be enchanted, @. Be at peace." #!String

winter_Mon2: "Since there's not much for me to do during this time of year, I tend to watch movies. I recently saw an interesting one...#$b#In it, a carrot fell in love with a grape, but their families were against it. They fought hard to be together, but in the end, were eaten.#$b#It was very sad, but also, quite colorful.#$e#Have a day to remember, @." #!String

winter_Tue2: "I make an effort to watch movies when I can. However, one of things I hate most are people who chew with their mouth open.#$b#I took an oath to never harm a living soul, and that oath is put to the test when someone chews aloud.#$e#Embrace the mysteries of the day, @." #!String

winter_Wed2: "What you call 'fantasy movies' I call 'comedy.' It amazes me all the things they get wrong.$1#$b#However, I'd be worried if they got things right. Our secrets aren't for the public, you know.#$e#Have a good day, @. Learn something new." #!String

winter_Thu2: "When I watch movies, I tend to like the ones that have a lot of special effects.#$b#How they pull it all off will always amaze me. If I didn't do what I do, I'd probably be a special effects artist.#$e#Seek the energies, @. Enjoy the day." #!String

winter_Fri2: "I recently found a book written in a language I had never seen before. Upon closer inspection, it's for people who code.#$b#This book claims to be from the beginning of the universe...what could it mean?#$e#Focus your mind today, @, and be at peace." #!String

winter_Sat2: "There is a new movie coming out that I am looking forward to. It is about a wizard with a scar on his arm that has a lot of adventures.#$b#It could be biographical for all I know!$1#$e#Seek knowledge, seek answers. Have a good one." #!String

winter_Sun2: "They are making a movie about 'Legend of the Prairie King.' It is one of my favorite games, but a movie?#$b#They never do game movies right. What if it turns off potential fans of the game?#$b#How do I know about that game? I have my ways.#$e#Be enchanted, @. Be at peace." #!String

winter_Mon4: "The Shrine of Illusion has a unique origin, however there are many variations.#$b#Some believe it was born from the sun itself and crashed as a meteor. Others say it has always been.#$b#The truth, once I recall it, is far more interesting.#$e#Have a day to remember, @." #!String

winter_Tue4: "The being who created the Shrine of Illusion was none-other than a young girl, who wished on a stone to change her appearance to escape her terrible life.#$b#The stone granted her this power, and she turned into a hawk and flew away. When the girl's father found out, he was mad.#$b#He then threw the rock into a lake, to be forgotten forever.#$b#Come back tomorrow, and I'll tell you the rest.#$e#Embrace the mysteries of the day, @." #!String

winter_Wed4: "The Shrine of Illusion, as a rock, needed to get out of the lake it was thrown in, so it absorbed all the gold at the bottom of the lake until it shown magnificently.#$b#It attracted the girl who had become a hawk, and told her what had happened.#$b#To get revenge, the shrine turned the girl into a bear, and she scared her father.#$b#I'll tell you more tomorrow.#$e#Have a good day, @. Learn something new." #!String

winter_Thu4: "The Father, realizing what he'd done, pulled the Shrine out of the Lake, and begged for forgiveness. The girl flew away, but the Shrine demanded it taken to the king.#$b#Once at the king, the story stops. The kingdom, the king, the girl, what happened to them is lost to history.#$b#Bit anti-climactic, but such is the way with stories of this nature. Why not ask the Shrine yourself?#$e#Seek the energies, @. Enjoy the day." #!String

winter_Fri4: "I personally believe the Shrine of Illusion has a grand purpose not yet realized. What it could be exactly I'm not sure of, yet I feel it.#$b#Will it ever return to being a humble stone? Is it waiting for the return of the girl-turned-hawk? Many secrets still remain.#$e#Focus your mind today, @, and be at peace." #!String

winter_Sat4: "The Shrine of Illusion can only change our appearance, and does not turn us into animals, yet it's recorded that it has.#$b#I wonder if I could unlock that ability again? Maybe if I ask with a sweet voice.$1#$e#Seek knowledge, seek answers. Have a good one." #!String

winter_Sun4: "I've been reading up on legends of old lately, and found a new one that Shrine of Illusion was involved in.#$b#There once was a frog who wished to be human, and it asked the Shrine for such a wish.#$b#The Shrine granted him his desire, but demanded gold. The frog had no gold, so as a human he stole some. The frog was then thrown in jail, and that's where he died.#$b#Brutal, isn't it? I feel bad for the frog.#$e#Be enchanted, @. Be at peace." #!String

winter_Mon6: "Lately, I have had troubled dreams in which I meet the children I've never had. They ask about me, where I have been, what I have done.#$b#I wake up with a hollow feeling, it's strange. I've always wanted to have children, and yet...#$b#So it goes. I wonder what it all means?#$e#Have a day to remember, @." #!String

winter_Tue6: "I believe I do have a child, someone in this town, but it's hard to know for sure. Sometimes it just happens.#$b#I'd love to meet them someday, and talk with them. Until then...I wait.#$e#Embrace the mysteries of the day, @." #!String

winter_Wed6: "In my dreams I've been fighting a version of myself that has only existed in theory.#$b#It is an evil version, where all my desires were realized and driven him mad. He tries to get out, and each night, I stop him.#$b#How much longer will it go on for? It is uncertain.#$e#Have a good day, @. Learn something new." #!String

winter_Thu6: "My dreams are haunting me into the day. Children that don't exist, my evil side...#$b#Only during Winter are such assaults possible. I'm too weak, @! Seeing you inspires me to keep fighting.#$e#Seek the energies, @. Enjoy the day." #!String

winter_Fri6: "I have not slept. I refuse to confront my dreams again.#$b#Instead, I've been...trying$b#...#$e#..." #!String

winter_Sat6: "I am refreshed today, and I've come to terms with my feelings. I may not be a father, but I can still be a good person.#$b#I hope you forgive my oddness of late, @. You have seen me in a moment of weakness.#$e#Seek knowledge, seek answers. Have a good one." #!String

winter_Sun6: "Today I will focus on the positive things. I have a new friend in you, @. For that I am thankful.#$b#Here's to spring coming soon! It will be wonderful.#$e#Be enchanted, @. Be at peace." #!String

winter_Mon8: "I will now tell you why I went down the path to live this life. It is quite the story.#$b#Long ago, when I was young, my mother became very ill.#$b#At first, she was just a little sick, but it got worse. I watched her die in front of my eyes.#$b#It was so horrible. I had heard that there was a chance she could be healed if one could manipulate the energies...#$b#I'll tell you the rest tomorrow.#$e#Have a day to remember, @." #!String

winter_Tue8: "After traveling far to find a cure for my mother, I found an old woman who understood how to heal. I tried to bring her to my mother, but she, too, was sick.#$b#She didn't last the trip. Then, when I returned to my mother, she had passed.#$b#If I had been able to heal, I could have cured my mother. If I had been able to heal, I could have saved the old woman.#$b#I'll tell you even more tomorrow.#$e#Embrace the mysteries of the day, @." #!String

winter_Wed8: "After I buried my mother, a man approached me. He had heard about my story, and wanted to teach me in arts. I then began to learn under him, and when he died, I continued his work.#$b#I have sought long and read much to find an answer: how can I cure people using the energies? Someday, I hope, I will know.#$e#Have a good day, @. Learn something new." #!String

winter_Thu8: "Learning and studying has been my focus for such a long time, I've forgotten how old I actually am.#$b#I still wonder if I will ever succeed, but it's hard to know. What do you think?#$e#Seek the energies, @. Enjoy the day." #!String

winter_Fri8: "What if one could cure the dead? Or perhaps even stop people from death? Would that be a power for good, or evil?#$b#What if you charged people for immortality? What if only the rich lived forever? Such crazy's best not to think about it.#$e#Focus your mind today, @, and be at peace." #!String

winter_Sat8: "I've seen a movie in which a man gets smarter, but his body disappears until he's nothing less than a husk.#$b#The last line was, 'and to think for a moment, I could understand forever.' I know how that character feels.#$e#Seek knowledge, seek answers. Have a good one." #!String

winter_Sun8: "My mother's grave is long lost, but I still go to where I remember it to be. One of these days, I'll be there with the answer.#$b#Then I won't feel like such a failure.#$e#Be enchanted, @. Be at peace." #!String

winter_Mon10: "I wish I could reveal my true name to you, @. In truth, I just don't remember it.#$b#Was it Carl? Or Hank? Maybe John?#$b#I think it was a cool name. It's hard to know.#$e#Maybe it was @! Imagine that?" #!String

winter_Tue10: "I am always happy to spend time with you, @. It's great seeing you.#$b#How is the farm? Are you happy? Tell me everything.#$e#Every day is a good day when @ shows up." #!String

winter_Wed10: "It is my hope that our conversations have inspired you in some way, as you have inspired me.#$b#Together we are stronger than being alone, and for that, thank you.#$e#Who knows? If we hadn't met, I'd just talk to myself." #!String

winter_Thu10: "There is a great feeling in friendship. I hope someday to be able to be as I am with you with the whole village.#$b#They still fear but, someday, hopefully, they'll give me a chance. You have.#$e#That's made all the difference." #!String

winter_Fri10: "My name is...I still don't remember.#$b#Maybe Bart. Or perhaps, Tracy? Robert?#$b#Maybe I was named something like Leaf, or Tree, or Apple.#$e#I just don't remember! It's driving me crazy." #!String

winter_Sat10: "What a year it has been. I'm glad we got to know each other, @. It would have been very boring without you.#$b#Just me and the Shrine of Illusion, making faces at each other.$1#$e#I still make faces at the Shrine. I'm not sure it appreciates it." #!String

winter_Sun10: "All in all, remember this, @: the only energy you truly need is your own.#$b#Use that logic, and seize the day. Let nothing stop you!#$e#Unless it's not a good idea, in which case, don't do it." #!String
Admin - Pirate
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Date du message : Lun 5 Fév - 14:46
Printemps 0 : Plantes
Printemps 2 : Énergies + Book peut-être
Printemps 4 : Shrine + He took it from someone that wanted to change selfeshly and it went bad...
Printemps 6 : His wife was pretty, they were similars, in love. But they disagreed on how to use magic. He was negligent, they separeted. She is green, but it's an illusion, he still see her as she is really : beautiful.
Printemps 8 : Travel, young and libraries
Printemps 10 : Want to be father, joy at being his friend, blabla energy

Été 0 : Crop
Été 2 : Energy, writting of the Sun, cryptic shit
Été 4 : Shrine, curse if we use it badly
Été 6 : He miss his wife, he can make construct, etc. He proposed to the witch on a full moon. Wondering too much about the past is bad.
Été 8 : He fought in a dark war underneath when he was young.
Été 10 : Want a family, he think he know to much, too much time with books, he is happy to be my friend.

Automne 0 : Shadow, things in earth, monsters
Automne 2 : Energy of change, dangerous
Automne 4 : Shrine, assassins that change their apparences with the Shrine. Magicians took it back. There is a presence in it that want to be alone and want gold.
Automne 6 : Enchanting period. His wife was good at it and he was jealous.
Automne 8 : Love can't be magicked, he fear toi become a ghost, the ghost and it's parents was sad.
Automne 10 : Nothing special, he is tired and insomniac and happy to be my friend. Apprentice?

Hiver 0 : He is weak, kinda intersting and he rest until spring.
Hiver 2 : Movies, ridiculous, he play "Legend of the Prairie King." XD
Hiver 4 : Orogins of the Shrine
Hiver 6 : He dreams of children and of an evil him.
Hiver 8 : His mother was ill, he wanted to heal her. He don't remember hos old he is, immortality weird shit.
Hiver 10 : Friend and forgotten name.
Admin - Pirate
Pièces d'Or (PO) : 0
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Date du message : Lun 5 Fév - 22:10
16160001/f Wizard 1000: "music/position/farmer x y 0 Wizard x y 0/skippable
/pause 500
/faceDirection Wizard 2
/emote Wizard ?
/speak Wizard \"Ah, @... For once, I hadn't foreseen your arrival.\"
/faceDirection Wizard 0
/faceDirection Wizard 2
/emote Wizard ...
/speak Wizard \"Come here, I have something to show you.\"
/move farmer 0 4 3
/emote Wizard ?
/speak Wizard \"Surely, you wonder what is hidden under that trap. It is comprehensible as curiosity is a compelling emotion.\"

/speak Wizard \"We've known each other long enough for me to let you access it. Do not betray the beliefs that I place in you @.\"
/viewport -10 -10
/end warpout"
Admin - Pirate
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Date du message : Mer 7 Fév - 19:18
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